Land Records Search/eRecordings

This is a free service that helps protect residents from potential property and mortgage fraud.  Cott Systems PropertyCheck will automatically alert you of any land record recordings regarding the name(s) you specify.  Create as many variations of your name as you want and select how you would like to receive notifications.
Click here to register for PropertyCheck

State Conveyance Form
Click here for the Department of Revenue Services Connecticut Conveyance Tax for (OP-236)

RECORDhub Subscription

To facilitate greater access to your online records, Cott is offering RECORDhub subscriptions with NO SUBSCRIPTION FEE and $2.00 per page prints for customers.   

To access the Town of Southington's Land Records, please click on the link below to enter RECORDhub. Once you are directed to RECORDhub, you will have the option to click on 1) "complimentary: view pricing plans" or 2) "land records: view pricing plans"

  1. If you want to view the land record indexes free of charge, select "Land Record-No Subscription Fee: View Pricing Plans." Please note: there is no fee to access and view the index, but you are required to create an account.
  2. If you want to view and print the land record indexes and images, select "land records: view pricing plans." You will be required to create an account and choose a subscription plan which includes a fee(s).

Click here to enter the RECORDHub Land Record Search

Request Copies Online  -OR-  Request Copies By Mail

Electronic Recordings

Electronic recording of land records is available in our office. To utilize this service please contact one of the following vendors that our office has contracted with:

 Name   Phone  Website
 Corporation Service Company  1-866-652-0111
 eRecording Partners  1-888-325-3365
 Indecomm Global Services  1-732-404-0081
 Simplifile  1-800-460-5657